I have to use SAS on a daily basis. Not by choice, but by necessity. Someone else made the.
Things that profoundly frustrate me about SAS

Healthcare Data Journalist
I have to use SAS on a daily basis. Not by choice, but by necessity. Someone else made the.
Call them what you will. There is certainly a debate about what they should be called. Codeathon, Hackathon, Coding.
Soon, probably sometime this week, I will be moving to Substack. I just do not have the bandwidth to.
Hey.. before we get going.. datapalooza 2023 is coming up! Register now!! CMS has released a Request for Information;.
O’Reilly Media has chosen to shut down its in-person conference business. This means no more OSCON, no more Strata,.
I am at the ONC Provider Directory 2019 Workshop. Here, I needed to quickly illustrate the problem with the.
Right now, I am writing a very long-winded submission to improving the interoperability of health information. This is regulation.
As many of you already know HHS has released an RFI for how HIPAA should be modified to support.
As many of the twitterati already know there is an RFI from HHS for significant revisions to HIPAA, which.
According to researchers from Yale, as well as prominent ePatient activists Hugo Campos, Marilyn Mann and ePatient Dave: Hospitals.