Healthcare IT reading list

My Programmable Self Behavior Change Reading list has been one of my most popular posts.

I still think any Health IT expert should be well-versed in behavior change science, since so many healthcare issues boil down to behavior change problems… either for patients or providers or both.

But the other day, I was having drinks during HIMSS with Keith Toussaint, Matt Burton (both Health IT rock stars at Mayo Clinic) and Sulie Anna Tay (a rising star at Cisco). Soon talk turned to “have you read this, have you read that” (you know how those conversations usually play out) and we started creating a “Required Reading List for Health IT”. I forgot about it until today, when I needed to find some references in one of the books… and realized I had left the project undo. So here are my required reading list for Health IT and healthcare reform, in no particular order:

I think its important to listen to end of life issues from Alex Drane. And read the same topics from Atul Gawande Letting Go.

I hate to humblebrag so I will just be plain: David Uhlman and I wrote what is probably the most popular book on Health IT, Hacking Healthcare.