Medspheres bus video released

I am happy to say that Medsphere has released its bus video. This is exactly the kind of irreverent and fun thing that makes FOSS addictive! We have a better way and its so obvious that its really not possible to make the points without also making a joke about it.

They included bits my interview in the film and I loved that they keep the EPIC equals tank reference.


2 thoughts on “Medspheres bus video released

  1. This is a great video. Also has so many metaphors for the OpenSource community vs the Proprietary lock-in approach from non-opensource companies. I want to see a tour of the bus around the country. That would get some attention.

    Its a bummer I can’t find this in Youtube, I think it would be a great hit. Do you know who I should approach about this? This video has viral written all over it, great candidate for posting it in other websites.

  2. The video is from, which hosts higher quality longer videos.
    You can embed it, so there is no reason it cannot go viral where it is….


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