Meaningful Use book

The first chapters of Getting to Meaningful Use are available online for public comment. I am often surprised to meet people at conferences who say “I read your blog”. I mean, I know you read… because I have server logs to prove it…. but actually meeting someone kind of blows my mind. So if you […]

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Announcing Open Glaze

Hi, I am here at the first ever Quantified Self Conference and I am announcing a new Open Source Game Layer project called Open Glaze. Here are the basics of my Game Layer philosophy that are influencing my work on Open Glaze. This is not one monolithic system. Its a Unix software development philosophy. It […]

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RPMS is certified

RPMS, the VistA cousin run by the Indian Health Services has received ambulatory and inpatient meaningful use certification. RPMS is substantially available under FOIA, (there are some proprietary components required to emulate the certified stack, I believe) and is the first Open Source stack that I know of to be certified as both inpatient and […]

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Correcting Information Asymmetry for patients

Consumer reports is invaluable tool for the purchase of almost anything. Anytime I am considering a major purchase like a car, or perhaps expensive electronics, I always by temporary access to While the Consumer Reports magazine can be interesting to browse, the website is even more valuable. You can access any recent product review […]

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Health Internet

For whatever reason people simply do not get what the NHIN is and what its implications are. This feels like a repeat of what happened to me more than a year ago. The NHIN (which has been rebranded the “Nationwide Health Information Network” or NWHIN from “National Health Information Network” in response to these silly […]

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