MirrorMed, Medical Manager and mm2mm

So originally MirrorMed was a fork of ClearHealth. It was done to satisfy my need to get certain features done… but now ClearHealth has moved far past it… the usefulness of the “fork” part of this has diminished to nothing. Still there were a few useful things in MirrorMed that have not been replicated in […]

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betting on quantified self

So I lost the Health Developer challenge to ringful. But they had a pretty good app, so there is no shame in that. More importantly, I think I really made people think. Steven Downs of project health design, said this about toeleven.org: However, instead of using Google Health or HealthVault as a platform, Fred used […]

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Personal Science

Recently I have been approached by a clinic in Austin that operates under the assumption that there is a causal relationship between childhood vaccinations and autism. This will not the first foray into the thick of bio-ethical debates. I have, in the past, advised both planned parenthood and catholic clinics on how to use open […]

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