Welcome to Programmable Self

So I have decided to start blogging about “programmable self”. For that reason, I will be re-publishing the programmable self category from fredtrotter.com on programmableself.com. Programmable self is a merger of two sets of concepts, quantified-self which is the use of technology to get accurate data about yourself, and behavioral economics/psychology which deals with motivation […]

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Patient Centered Health Internet

I have recently been approached by several policy people who are interested in ensuring that the consumer/patient is at the center of the coming Health Internet. Through my work at the Cautious Patient Foundation, I have become pretty obsessed about only working on patient-centered and patient-empowering technologies. I often work on software for doctors, but […]

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A patient by any other name

Recently two communities have been discussing a pretty basic question. What should we call the artist formerly known as “patient”? The two communities are the e-patient community and the “patients” in the patient safety movement, specifically those that met at the last IHI meeting. But why would we want to call patients anything other than […]

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Kaiser Ontology Interview

To the novice, the term “interoperability” means that two systems can talk. To the expert, it means that they can understand each other. To much of our current data interchange is “meaning poor”. To get past that problem, we need to do lots of work with ontologies, which, loosely put, are knowledge dictionaries. Most clinicians […]

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Direct Project Updates

The Direct Project has a new name (formerly NHIN Direct),  a new website directproject.org and an excellent write up over on O’Reilly Radar called Healthcare communication gets an upgrade. I am also interested to see that the O’Reilly folks seem to agree with me that this new NHIN thing really should be thought of as […]

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Health Internet

For whatever reason people simply do not get what the NHIN is and what its implications are. This feels like a repeat of what happened to me more than a year ago. The NHIN (which has been rebranded the “Nationwide Health Information Network” or NWHIN from “National Health Information Network” in response to these silly […]

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