Today the Boston Globe has published an article about Dave deBronkart’s problem with claim data in his Google Health.
Towards fair EHR certification
The meeting with CCHIT worked. The FOSS community, to the degree that such a thing is possible, had authorized.
MOSS Misys Open Source Solutions
MOSS (Misys Open Source Solutions) has come into it’s own as a force both within FOSS and within it’s.
Codapedia launched
I heard about codapedia during my annual tour of the floor looking for FOSS-related projects that I had not.
Medsphere bus
This is simply the -best- publicity stunt that any FOSS EHR vendor has done yet. Last year Cerner decided.
CCHIT vs FOSS pre-meeting issues
I am preparing for the meeting tomorrow with CCHIT and FOSS. I had previously used Google Moderator to get.
HIMSS09 day 2: Interview with Vish Sankaran
Today I meet with Vish Sankaran, whose official title is ‘Program Director Federal Health Architecture’ from what I can.
HIMSS09 day 2: Kolonder on Health IT
Dr. Robert Kolodner is not only the outgoing National Coordinator but a card carrying member of the underground railroad..
HIMSS day1: Medsphere
This is the first article I am writing from HIMSS09. I am here on a press pass provided by.
What should we cover at the CCHIT/FOSS meeting?
To help answer this question I have setup a Google Moderator site. Please help the FOSS community determine what.