Soon, I will be making an announcement about some work that I have been doing with the Facebook places API.
For now, I want to give a little tutorial on how to create a new place, in Facebook places, using your iphone Facebook app.
First, you have to download the facebook application from iTunes, or get someone to help you do this. This tutorial assumes that you have the facebook application already installed… if you really need help with this, go to the Mac store and talk to someone there… should be pretty simple…
The first step is pretty important:
Go to where you want to create the place!
So click on the facebook application to start…

This will pull up the home screen…

You can also get to the checkin menu from the main facebook menu in two steps:

After clicking there you will see the main Facebook places interface where you can see your friends recent checkins..

Now you should have gotten to the check-ins interface… one way or another…
The check-in interface looks like this!!

So now you could choose a place where you would want to checkin… but that is not what this tutorial is about. You want to create a *new* place that will show up on this list and allow other people to check-in. To do that you need to hit the little red button at the top right of the screen, which should bring you to the “new place” interface:
Make sure that the little blue dot is exactly where on the map that it should be!!

Now you will be able to check-in to your new place…

Now you should go ahead and check-in to your new location. By doing this you will start to “legitimize” the place in Facebooks eyes. You also need to get your friends to start using the place when they check-in.
I hope this helps someone. I could not find a current how-to on making a new place in Facebook places. It is pretty simple. If you ‘own’ a place (like a business or non-profit) then you should also read about the process to claim a facebook place.
Excellent! Thank you very much. I looked all over Google for a guide on how to create a new Facebook Place on the iPhone Facebook App, but couldn’t find one. It’s great that yours also includes screenshots! Very useful. Thumbs up! Thanks again!
Fred, I fell onto your website while attempting to add a new place to my Android with Facebook.
Your screenshots are awesome but, mine are different. It is the NEW menu. Instead of Places showing up with the icon, Nearby is the new wording. When I go to the screen, there is no Add a Place. Looks like this should be so very simple. Logically, I’m where I should be…to add a place. LOL, instead, I’m Up Poop Creek, without a Paddle!
Any advise will be greatly appreciated!