Recently I wrote about my work hacking on the PubMed API. Which I hope is helpful to people. Now.
Hacking on the Wikipedia APIs for Health Tech

Healthcare Data Journalist
Recently I wrote about my work hacking on the PubMed API. Which I hope is helpful to people. Now.
The pubmed API is pretty convoluted. Every time I try to use it, I have to try and relearn.
I just wrote a post for the Strata Big Data blog about Doctors vs Data. You can always read.
The original Hipoocratic Oath states: I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in.
(This is a preview of a talk that I am going to give next week at Healthcare::Refactored, with Karen Herzog) There.
I love hackathons. I love winning them. I love competing in them. I love winning them. I love judging.
As far as I know, I was the first person to publish a generalizable method for creating a QR.
Hi, I am preparing for my talk at Quantified Self about my work on Programmable Self. I was asked.
Here is my submission for the Local Children’s Data Health 2.0 developer challenge. The challenge was to make data.
I love QR codes. I think the notion of simple graphical URLs is beautiful and elegant. If my wife.