Health Datapalooza is my favorite conference, focusing on healthcare data from U.S. Federal Government, other countries, and states. It.
Libel and Discourse in the Digital Age
Libel, like copyright, is one of the central legal frameworks for governing online activities. It sets the bounds for.

How to change the world over the weekend
I love hackathons. I love winning them. I love competing in them. I love winning them. I love judging.
Practical collaborative document writing for patient communities
Hi, I have a lot of experience with collaborative document writing, and now, in my role with Cautious Patient.

Unethical Blue Button Contest
This contest is deeply problematic. The blue button initiative was a good initiative because it allowed greater access. It.

Contract to create VistA shepherd goes to newbie
I just learned, (from a modern healthcare article, of course) that the contract has been awarded to Tiag. At.

Health Foo Camp
I am happy to announce that I have been invited to the first ever Health Foo Camp. There is.

A patient by any other name
Recently two communities have been discussing a pretty basic question. What should we call the artist formerly known as.

Facebook Places powers the first social election game
Today, Farrin Anne ‘Crane’ Gustafson, the manager of the social media strategy for the Clayton Trotter (my father) congressional campaign.

Prior Art for the BillingNetwork Patent Troll
I am saddened that the supreme court decided not to address the software patent problem with Bilski. They had.