Fred Trotter

Healthcare Data Journalist

OSCON, Programmable Self, Values

Health Foo Camp

I am happy to announce that I have been invited to the first ever Health Foo Camp. There is not even a web-page for this yet, but it has been previously announced on the RWJF blog

FOO stands for Friends of O’Reilly. It is an invitation event that puts some of the top geeks and thinkers in the same room. This is the first health-focused FOO camp.

This is a pretty big deal for me. The moment I first heard of Foo Camp, I realized that going to one was on my bucket list.

This was similar to the first time I realized that Regina Holliday sometimes auctions off her art. I realized that being wealthy enough to win an auction of one of her art work was my new definition of being rich… I also secretly covet one of her custom jackets.

Anyways, when something like this happens I begin to realize that maybe I am making the difference I want to with my life. It looks like people are finally taking this whole Open Source Health Software thing as seriously as I do. Its a pretty awesome feeling and after sharing a celebratory dinner with my wife, and soaking up the good news for a few days, I thought my readers might like to share in my sense of satisfaction. At least I think I have readers….


4 thoughts on “Health Foo Camp

  1. Congrats Fred! I love how passionate you are about Open Source Health Software! We need more people like you. I think the OS Health is a very admirable pursuit, and I hope you are able to inspire others.

  2. Great work! I believe that your passions are well rooted in Free Software and Open Source. Despite the fact the you own a MacBook 😉 Well it’s based on BSD.. Just kidding. Excellent choice for Health FOO Camp, as I’m sure you’ll help push the F/OSS agenda within Health IT.

  3. Fred … Just picked up your note. I’ve also been invited to the Health Foo, apparently as a representative of 16th century medicine (historic perspectives never hurt). Actually, I thought I’d send you this note because my most active work at the moment involves upper limb prosthetics development and I wondered if you’ve ever heard of Jon Kuniholm at Duke, or the website he developed:

    Although I’m not a tekkie myself, I used to be the neurologist for the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and attended a number of “technology transfer” conferences they held jointly with Los Alamos National Lab in the 1980’s, when people were just beginning to talk about electronic medical records. I participated in a panel at one of those meetings with the guy from Mayo who was trying to get the docs there to join up.



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