Recently, I have been getting lots of requests from the patient community about how to manage passwords. Correct password.
Troll vs Russian Hypothesis for the Facebook MeToo Group Hack
Recently, a central Me Too Facebook Group was deleted by Facebook after it had been overrun with fake accounts.
Emergency AHRQ Backup
Recently, due to budget cuts at AHRQ and have been scheduled for shutdown. This blog post documents our efforts.
Cyber Principles for the Victims of Stalkers
People who are the victim of stalkers have a startlingly different cybersecurity risk profile. I heard the idea articulated.

No Shit In The Ranch House
Please forgive my use of a four-letter word. But it is central to my overall point, as I hope.

How to be Cyber Aware for patients. Facebook lesson 1
So I wrote a post supporting the notion that Facebook could do some good by integrating with hospital data..

Facebook and Healthcare data, the contrarian view.
(Update May 2019.) Publishing this article was part of what started my recent investigation into Facebook’s cybersecurity and privacy.
3D printed QR code coasters
Someone who is not me (very jealous) has figured out a good method for 3d printing QR codes. Mikeasaurus,.
Cascading Configuration Design Pattern
I have not been able to find simple plain-language descriptions of what the Cascading Configuration Design Pattern is. And.

QR Code as Art
Recently, I have come to realize how many issues I have hidden from by being a work-a-holic. Especially losing.