Dr. Deborah Peel has endorsed Microsoft’s HealthVault PHR. From the Patient Privacy Rights press release: PatientPrivacyRights.Org founder, Dr. Deborah.
HealthVault: What to do if Microsoft does nothing
Somehow I doubt that Microsoft will respond to my criticisms. This is what the Free and Open Source community.
HealthVault: How to fix it
Microsoft often does the wrong thing. But that does not mean they have to. There are three requirements for.
HealthVault: The Food critic never took a bite.
I hope I have made my case that “patient privacy” is complex enough that merely “Recognize that patients have.
Privacy, a Complex Problem Underestimated.
I have passed my CISSP certification, marking me as an Information Security Expert. I had to pass a complex.
HealthVault: No Commitments and a Sleeping Watchdog.
Has Microsoft committed to keeping the promises that it has already made? No, just the opposite. Their privacy policy.
HealthVault: Abusing vs Implementing Standards.
Microsoft, of all the companies that might consider creating a PHR, is especially problematic. Microsoft has a long history.
HealthVault: Failing the seven generations test
(note: This is the first of my “week of HealthVault” articles.) HealthVault, the new Personal Health Record (PHR) from.
Making a big deal
Sometimes I wrestle with how to communicate my feelings on the medical licensing. I view medical licensing as a.