Recently, someone contributed a library to help with the webification (<- clearly this is a real word) of VA.
Stick your neck out

Healthcare Data Journalist
Recently, someone contributed a library to help with the webification (<- clearly this is a real word) of VA.
When I get a good question from a conference or email, I like to answer it in a blog.
If you have not heard of Paul Levy yet, then you are obviously new to the world of Health.
(Update 08-13-09 I have already presented this to NCVHS) Introduction I represent a community of health software developers and.
Hi, Currently, in Texas, one is required to take Physics I and II and Calculus I (or equivalent stats.
So I am going to run a conference. I figured this was about as bad a time as I.
Recently ComputerWorld released an otherwise good article entitled: Old code proves key to modern IT at Midland Memorial Hospital..
I have enjoyed participating in the National Dialogue about Health IT. One of the challenges put forward to my.
I must admit. I love the feeling of being proven right. Granted, it appeals to my egotistic streak. (which.
Duplication of effort is viewed as a sin in the Free and Open Source software (FOSS) development community. The.