I love hackathons. I love winning them. I love competing in them. I love winning them. I love judging.
Where I blog
Just so my RSS feed readers know, I will now be blogging at Programmable Self and at O’Reilly Radar..

Radar Interview
Hi, I have an interview up at O’Reilly Radar, talking about programmable self. I am also quoted in a.

Making QR code stencils
I have been on a quest to be a able to spray-paint QR codes, in mass production. I recently.
Announcing Open Glaze
Hi, I am here at the first ever Quantified Self Conference and I am announcing a new Open Source.

Programmable Self Reading List
Hi, I am preparing for my talk at Quantified Self about my work on Programmable Self. I was asked.

Health Foo Camp
I am happy to announce that I have been invited to the first ever Health Foo Camp. There is.

Calorie counting by taking a photo of food
Is apparently now possible with Meal Snap.

QR code stencils, the problem
I love QR codes. I think the notion of simple graphical URLs is beautiful and elegant. If my wife.
Thinking about commitment contracts
Commitment contracts are a way of limiting and shaping your own behavior. If you know that your “future self”.