Security in Medical Devices, implications

There are more and more examples of how standard hacking techniques apply in healthcare, with serious consequences. Recent issues include RFID hacking and interference issues. Recently, a talk at BlackHat regarding hacking medical devices, including pacemakers, has begun appearing in popular blogs. What is most dangerous about this is not actually the hack itself, but […]

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The Holy Grail

VistA is a robust and complete EHR system, but it relies on MUMPS. This makes VistA extremely expensive to configure and maintain. The open source web-based EHR systems are easy to deploy but have underwhelming feature sets. The holy grail of open source Health Informatics is a web-based CPRS (CPRS is the frontend for VistA). […]

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I must admit. I love the feeling of being proven right. Granted, it appeals to my egotistic streak. (which despite my attempts to suppress it, my wife remains keenly annoyed by). A few weeks ago, at TEPR, I did my regular talk the Health of the Source, which is basically an update on the whole […]

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