HealthVault Response: Lucid comments from Fred Fortin

The World Healthcare Blog recently had a post that quoted a portion of a post from my HealthVault series. In the post, titled, What Will Patients Expect in the Completeness of Their Electronic Medical Records? Fred Fortin extends upon my comments about the complexity of patient privacy with some lucid questions about the implications of trusting a meta-EHR system like HealthVault. Since he quoted me đŸ™‚

Either by design, incompatibility, law, or systems failure, something will be missing (from the HealthVault record). Will it be important information? Who knows. But the public, as it has with banks, credit cards and other electronic dependencies, may believe it to be complete. They may, in fact, have a view of EMRs that is more in line with the industry’s marketing image than with the intricacies or record-keeping reality.

Worth a read! It is satisfying to know that I am making people think and comment.