The first chapters of Getting to Meaningful Use are available online for public comment. I am often surprised to.
Announcing Open Glaze
Hi, I am here at the first ever Quantified Self Conference and I am announcing a new Open Source.
RPMS is certified
RPMS, the VistA cousin run by the Indian Health Services has received ambulatory and inpatient meaningful use certification. RPMS.
Correcting Information Asymmetry for patients
Consumer reports is invaluable tool for the purchase of almost anything. Anytime I am considering a major purchase like.
Two other Open Source EHRs Meaningful Use certified (partially)
I just found out that at least two other Open Source projects have been meaningful use certified. OpenEMR has.
Glen Tullman presents the Chewbacca defense
I have been meaning to write about this for a while. Glen Tullman and I have pretty different opinions.
Direct and CONNECT governance too far from technology
Hi, I have just submitted a comment to the HITPC governance working group regarding there process for making governance.
The ethics of weight and body fat on Twitter
Update 12-16-2010: I have just purchased a Withings scale. Indeed, as I discussed in my original article, it will.
Health Internet
For whatever reason people simply do not get what the NHIN is and what its implications are. This feels.
Checking with Facebook Places before voting
Hi, So I wrote a new facebook application that gives you credit for supporting my fathers congressional campaign. My.