So originally MirrorMed was a fork of ClearHealth. It was done to satisfy my need to get certain features.
betting on quantified self
So I lost the Health Developer challenge to ringful. But they had a pretty good app, so there is.
Kaiser donates ontology to Open Source
Really cool, and I love that they made a video. But if you want to understand the meat of.
My Health2.0 submission goes to eleven
I decided to enter the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge. My submission is My goal was to find a.
Why I am supporting my father for congress
My father, Clayton Trotter, is running for congress in San Antonio, T.X. He has won the Republican Nomination against.
Personal Science
Recently I have been approached by a clinic in Austin that operates under the assumption that there is a.
VistA modernization must use MUMPS
Once more, the debate about “whether” to migrate VistA from MUMPS has come up again in main stream press..
On Internet Marketing
Recently I have had several people who have asked me for advice and council on how to do Internet.
Funambol in healthcare
One of the things that I love about conferences like OSCON is that you met people who are doing.
OpenStack and Software Freedom in Healthcare IT
As clinicians, doctors and other healthcare providers are the stewards of their patients data. But what happens when they.